Sunday 7 November 2010

Sparks in the Park

Last night I went to the firework display at Earlham Park in Norwich.  I go nearly every year.  I had some fish and chips, but did not go on any of the fairground rides.  The fireworks are always good, but this year there was so much smoke we could hardly see them...  What did you do this weekend?


  1. klkl. wen i went past the hospital i cudn't see a thing because of all the smoke from the fireworks!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Sounds great this weekend i went to school saturday, in the afternoon i went round my mate Jack's house, then got home and watched the X-factor. saturday i played rugby for my team wymondham against Southwold and we won 33-0 i think. Then went to buy some rugby boots in Norwich, but they had none my size. Finally on Sunday night i watched the X-factor results

  3. sounds amazing. frirsly i went horse riding and it was very cole, then i i went shopping with my mum in norwich but i dont really know what we where ment to be getting, but i just looked around. on sunday i went with my dad and brother to my dads friends bonfire party were there was about 30 fireworks and they were amazing as there were so many different colours, we also watched a big bonfire that was lovely. this bonfine party took place in a random feild that my dads friend owns! we then went home just in time for x factor results! but i enjoyed my weekend alot!

  4. I was at school for the weekend but we did watch the fireworks on sunday in the park it was good but there was alot of smoke and i couldnt really see the fireworks

  5. kewl. this week i stayed at school becase i didnt go home for the weekend. And it was quite boring on sunday about miday because everyone was going paintyballing and i was pretty guttered coz i handed my form in too late so i couldnt go but saturday was pretty gd

  6. last weekend i went paintballing at skirmish and it was the first time i had ever went but i still think that i done alright. After we put are camofluage on we went throught to get are guns when we were loading them at the start before the actually round we had to then tip our resonble heavy guns and then it was so hard to get the barrel in and so i had to get speedy to but in for me. i had a couple pf shots at the targets and set of to the first batte ground it was called the village but i ended up getting 2 people in that round but the bad thing was that i got shot in the knee cap by Hollie Couldrige but the paintball did not expload so i carried on playing and about 30 secs later i got in the gas tank of my gun i mean how unlucky is that!!!!

  7. soz about the typing mistakes

  8. I stayed the weekend to and watched the fireworks on the sports field and went paint balling it was really fun i got shot in the back from a ft away

  9. Last weekend i had my friend Ruby streek come to stay. after we had saturday school we went shoppng in the city nd we brought lots of sweets and clothes. then we met up with my mum and got somethig to eat befor we went home. when we got home we put some trakies on ad watched a spooks. me and ruby went up to bed and we stayed awake talking for a while. the we got a phone call from a friend nd we were talking to them for ages. We didnt get to sleep for ages . when we woke up we wtched two movies (the proposal and P.S i love you) then my dad made us get up. We had to go and watch my brother play football and it was an way game it was near a beach so Ruby and i whent for a walk on the beach. there were these lovely little dogs and they ran up to us nd started playing with our feet they were amazing. then we came back and had spagittie bolanase and came back to see the school fireworks. which was amazing and that was my weekend.

  10. i stayed at homw couse i dont like fireworks, but it sounds like you had fun!!

  11. Nice". Last weekend i went home and at about 7:00 i went outside with my dad and watched fireworks from my garden, there were so many and it was pretty good as well!!

  12. Sounds great. I stayed at school and watched the magnificent fireworks burts into flames and produced an enormous amount of loudness throughout the Park. I couldn`t really see much from all the smoke but my friends siad it was amazing. Can`t wait til next year.

  13. yummy fish and chips must have been great i missed fire works night because i was at i friends party shae i ove i nomally see you next lesson Katherine xxxx

  14. Hello
    I also went to a fireworks night but it was at my last school 'Riddlesworth Hall'. It was excellent. The fireworks crakelled and popped everywhere. And the best part was the toffee apples but they did get stuck mostly everywhere. I met all of my old friends and teachers. It was great to see them all again. Glad you enjoyed your night.

  15. Hi
    Iwent to a fireworks display at wymondham but I didn't think it was very good because all the smoke got in the way and the place stank! It was quite good at the beggining though.
