Sunday 28 August 2011

Holiday to WW1 Battlefields in France and Belgium

These are some photos of my holiday to the Somme and Ypres to see various battlefields, trenches, museums, cemetaries and monuments dedicated to WW1.  I teach the literature of the conflict to Year 12 so this is a period of history that I am very interested in.  The trip was therefore partly for research purposes.  I'm not a huge fan of beach holidays as I burn easily and get bored.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Art Course in the Summer Holidays 2011

What did you get up to in the holidays?  I went on a week long intensive course at Wensum Lodge.  It was on colour and painting, as aspect of art that was new to me.  My mum was on the course too as she paints as a hobby.  There were only 5 people on the course.  Alot of the time was spent doing exercises in combining colours to achieve effects.  The course began at 10.00am every day so I could still have a lie in, but was rather tiring as we worked in a very focused way.  I would certainly do another one.